What Is Life For Me!!!! - - - >

Well.... i think this one going to be a "RARE" heavy stuff that i post.... considering that i want my blog in multiply not just for my hobbies in listening music or share the same interest.. i want it more than that... i want it as my personal life agenda... i want other people to feel/know how i manage my life, my works, my social, and my relation with god. Well the real intention is to give to the other people my experiences.. because like the old said..... experiences is PRICELESS....

life for me is a chance to do something good to other people....

life for me is a chance to do worship to Allah

life for me is a chance to do grateful with my all capabilities that has been given to me

life for me is a chance to give back to other people that is not so fortunate than i am

life for me is a chance to smile, laugh, to love, and even to shed a tears

life for me is a chance to help others people sorrow and loneliness

Well..... the most importing phrase that i want to say is....

Life for me is Chance....., did you wonder if you born in this world as a flying white ant.. who life in this world for only for a while??????

So first ....before we thanks to the people in this life..... we should be thanking for the one who give us A CHANCE to live in this world..

which is God....


halo it's time to all of you to get to know me better....

iseng2 aja sich.. habis dirumah bt kagak ada kegiatan... paling ntar siangan mau jalan silaturahmi ketemu temen2 band gw... mau silaturahmi euy!!!!

Ok here we go....

birth name: arya wirawan
tongkrongan name: capung (SMP era), Aray/Ari (SMA era), Arya (Kuliah & Works era), Kinoy (House era)
umur: 24 tahun
berat: 65 kg
clothes colour prefer: black ---- Always with BELT, greeeeeeen, blue (kalo mo gelap gelap sekalian kalo mo kinclong..kinclong sekalian)
transportation: motorcycle (VEGA~R tahun 2003 - 1st edition)
licence: none (either SIM A or SIM C)
work station: PERTAMINA (Plumas Division) Gd. Oil Centre (Depan Atase JEPANG)
bakalan klepek2 kalo tahu cewek punya kriteria ini: cewek yang suka Anime | musik metal | suka nge band tapi cewek kantoran juga | suka Tokyo Jihen | movie FREAKSZZZZ | Football Supporters | alim ^____^
bakalan menjauh kalo tahu cewek punya kriteria ini: gak OPEN MIND!!!
hal yang paling sering dilakukan dalam sehari: denger musik (lewat ipod/mp3 player/komputer/dvd)
weapons of choice: iPod Nano 4 GIGA (3rd generation) | Sony MP3 CD Player KDE 111
moto: JALANIN AJAH !!!!!!!
school / organization i involved with: SD YAPENKA | SMPN 250 | LP3I Pasar minggu | LP3I Kramat | STMIK SWADHARMA | ccf (senter kuultur frangses) | KAMUS (Kumpulan Pemuda Mushola) | ISROM (Islamic Syuro Melati)
WEB Provider: Speedy Personal Limit 1 GB
Most POWERFULL Software: Download Accelerator Plus +++
most comfort place to eat:
pinggir jalan (bebas mo make gaya apa pada saat makan, gaya batu/gaya dada/gaya kupu2... intinya gak malu kalo mo nambah nasi nya doang !!!!!!!)
most UNCOMFORT place to eat: MALL !!!!!!!! ( i hate CROWD PEOPLE)
cologne/perfume i choose: Gatsby Splash Cologne (MUSKY) Deep Ocean.. alasan .. Murah dan gak norak baunya
PC Specs: Intel Pentium 3 (1 GHZ), VGA : NVIDIA Geforce2 MX/MX 400, Sounds Blaster, Monitor HP 71 (Cembung Edition), Hard Disk: 120 GIGA Maxtor...
Most People in Multiply i would LIKEEEEE to meeeet!!!!: You !!!! yeach you.. the one who read this crap stuff until way down here ^_^ .... Anyway thanks for visiting my page and to want to get know me better ^_^

ARTIST ON THE SPOTLIGHT!!!! [J-Pop] Round Table Featuring NINOpicture of a pumpkinRound Table Featuring NINOAsalamualaikum..sebelumnya selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa bagi yang menjalankan dan semoga kuat dalam menjalankan puasa 1 bulan penuh ^_^ROUND Table Feat. Nino adalah salah satu band Jepang terdiri dari band pengiringnya Round Table..dengan vokalis Nino.. awal2 karirnya Round Table sempat mengeluarkan album2 tanpa didampingi Nino..sampai pada akhirnya mereka melakukan koloborasi (RT dan Nuno) yang akhirnya kolaborasi itu berujung perekrutan Nino sebagai vokalis tetap band Round Table...Salah satu single yang mungkin sering terdengar seperti Puzzle .. opening Anime Welcome To Ther N.H.K .. dan CHOBITS [ let me be with U ] sama ARIA [Lupa judulnya]...kalo bicara aliran mereka memadukan J-Pop Anime dengan unsur Synth dan House Acid.... eazzy litening dah.... ditambah vokalis dari Nino yang bening abiezzzz....Mereka sudah menelorkan 2 album (setahu gw yach.. correct me if i'm wrong) dengan judul [2003 - April] ama [2006 - Nino] .. tapi kayaknya ada lagi dech cuman itu album yang gw punya.... Intinya you should hear it for yourself... and let the Ear be the judge....Satu hal lagi...denger2.. mereka KAGAK PERNAH buat Video Clip buat mempromosikan lagunya.. GYAAAAAAAA.....ENJoY DAH!!!!! nich gw sekalian upload dari SIngle terbaru mereka di tahun 2008...ROUND TABLE featuring Nino - Koi wo Shiteru [2008.06.25][PLIZ Leave a coment if You Like Or when U Grab it]WalaikumsalamDOZO...........

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