Snowkel (Band)

, yup....ini band salah satu favorit ga akhir2 ini..hmmm seru banget musik2 nya...
pertama gw kira ini model2 another band pop2 kayak Mr. Children dan kayak balada2 musiknya.

Hmm on a second thought (bnr gk yach tulisannya) ini completly beda dari yg gw perkirakan..
ternyata setelah lihat gambar dan vid klip nya ternyata mereka masih muda dan gak tua2 hehehehe...bukan berarti Mr. Children tua2 yach... mereka itu tua2 sesepuh J Music.. salut buat mereka yang tetep eksis....

Musik mereka lahir dari 3 orang muda mudi dari jepang..mereka adalah...Kaba, Nishi, dan Yama.
karena informan gw yg di jepang sana blom dapet info lengkap2nya jd gw kagak tahu siapa yang pegang apa dan alat nusik apa..., tapi above it all i simply love the sounds that they're generate...

And semua personilnya pake kacamata semua hehehehe.... Kebanyakan nonton Anime kali yach..hehehehe (emang gw.. o_o gha gha gha gha) <---- becandaan maksa.....

Musik mereka kalo di similarin kayak...hmm,,,

No Regret Life dengan distorsi yang halus...., /
mr. children dengan distorsi dan beat yang lebih upbeat.
oNSoku Line.. yup hampir2 mirip mereka tapi tetep aja semirip mirip nya..
mereka (baca snowkel), snowkel itu punya trade mark ato ciri khas mereka sendiri....
Pop Alternative dech gampangnya...

Coba lo denger track: Pantomize dan Solar Wind....

Ntar dech kalo sempet gw upload di sites gw....

Duch kayaknya semua musik2 yang gw suka gk jauh2 dari anime2 dech..., mereka juga buat
ending dan opening untuk beberapa anime..they are....

* "Namikaze Satellite" as the seventh opening for Naruto
* "Solar Wind" as the second ending for Kiba
* "Kiseki" as the sixth ending for Gintama.

As usual.. a little bit by Profesor WIKI:

Snowkel is a Japanese rock band from Odaiba, Japan. The members of Snowkel are Kaba, Nishi, and Yama.

Immediately after forming in January 2004, their height of degree of completion of music is appraised and acquires a grand prix in the audition of local end in Fukuoka. After that Snowkel focused on live activity in Fukuoka. In December 2004 Snowkel had their first live gig in Fukuoka where they sold independent production board CD of themselves. 2005 , still focused on live activity, Snowkel produced a D board mini-album called "Sora Colorful" and released their debut single "Ooki Na Mizutamari" .

In 2006, the band earned a major record label deal with Sony Music Japan and released their first studio album called SNOWKEL SNORKEL in 26 April 2006. SNOWKEL SNORKEL contains their also released singles: "Tabibito Beginner", "Namikaze Satellite", and "Ooki Na Mizutamari".

In 3 October 2007 their second album, EQ, was released featuring songs from their singles: "Solar Wind", "Hello x Bye Bye", "Tenki Youho" and "Kiseki"; along with 8 new songs for a total of 12 songs.

Well thats mo rutin-iN nich buat review band2 favorit jepang gw.. moga2 tiap minggu dech..., so semua tahu band2 JP apa aja yaang asik buat lo2 pada dengerin.... itu kalo selera eike dan elo sama hehehehehe..



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