What Is Life For Me!!!! - - - >

Well.... i think this one going to be a "RARE" heavy stuff that i post.... considering that i want my blog in multiply not just for my hobbies in listening music or share the same interest.. i want it more than that... i want it as my personal life agenda... i want other people to feel/know how i manage my life, my works, my social, and my relation with god. Well the real intention is to give to the other people my experiences.. because like the old said..... experiences is PRICELESS....

life for me is a chance to do something good to other people....

life for me is a chance to do worship to Allah

life for me is a chance to do grateful with my all capabilities that has been given to me

life for me is a chance to give back to other people that is not so fortunate than i am

life for me is a chance to smile, laugh, to love, and even to shed a tears

life for me is a chance to help others people sorrow and loneliness

Well..... the most importing phrase that i want to say is....

Life for me is Chance....., did you wonder if you born in this world as a flying white ant.. who life in this world for only for a while??????

So first ....before we thanks to the people in this life..... we should be thanking for the one who give us A CHANCE to live in this world..

which is God....


halo it's time to all of you to get to know me better....

iseng2 aja sich.. habis dirumah bt kagak ada kegiatan... paling ntar siangan mau jalan silaturahmi ketemu temen2 band gw... mau silaturahmi euy!!!!

Ok here we go....

birth name: arya wirawan
tongkrongan name: capung (SMP era), Aray/Ari (SMA era), Arya (Kuliah & Works era), Kinoy (House era)
umur: 24 tahun
berat: 65 kg
clothes colour prefer: black ---- Always with BELT, greeeeeeen, blue (kalo mo gelap gelap sekalian kalo mo kinclong..kinclong sekalian)
transportation: motorcycle (VEGA~R tahun 2003 - 1st edition)
licence: none (either SIM A or SIM C)
work station: PERTAMINA (Plumas Division) Gd. Oil Centre (Depan Atase JEPANG)
bakalan klepek2 kalo tahu cewek punya kriteria ini: cewek yang suka Anime | musik metal | suka nge band tapi cewek kantoran juga | suka Tokyo Jihen | movie FREAKSZZZZ | Football Supporters | alim ^____^
bakalan menjauh kalo tahu cewek punya kriteria ini: gak OPEN MIND!!!
hal yang paling sering dilakukan dalam sehari: denger musik (lewat ipod/mp3 player/komputer/dvd)
weapons of choice: iPod Nano 4 GIGA (3rd generation) | Sony MP3 CD Player KDE 111
moto: JALANIN AJAH !!!!!!!
school / organization i involved with: SD YAPENKA | SMPN 250 | LP3I Pasar minggu | LP3I Kramat | STMIK SWADHARMA | ccf (senter kuultur frangses) | KAMUS (Kumpulan Pemuda Mushola) | ISROM (Islamic Syuro Melati)
WEB Provider: Speedy Personal Limit 1 GB
Most POWERFULL Software: Download Accelerator Plus +++
most comfort place to eat:
pinggir jalan (bebas mo make gaya apa pada saat makan, gaya batu/gaya dada/gaya kupu2... intinya gak malu kalo mo nambah nasi nya doang !!!!!!!)
most UNCOMFORT place to eat: MALL !!!!!!!! ( i hate CROWD PEOPLE)
cologne/perfume i choose: Gatsby Splash Cologne (MUSKY) Deep Ocean.. alasan .. Murah dan gak norak baunya
PC Specs: Intel Pentium 3 (1 GHZ), VGA : NVIDIA Geforce2 MX/MX 400, Sounds Blaster, Monitor HP 71 (Cembung Edition), Hard Disk: 120 GIGA Maxtor...
Most People in Multiply i would LIKEEEEE to meeeet!!!!: You !!!! yeach you.. the one who read this crap stuff until way down here ^_^ .... Anyway thanks for visiting my page and to want to get know me better ^_^

ARTIST ON THE SPOTLIGHT!!!! [J-Pop] Round Table Featuring NINOpicture of a pumpkinRound Table Featuring NINOAsalamualaikum..sebelumnya selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa bagi yang menjalankan dan semoga kuat dalam menjalankan puasa 1 bulan penuh ^_^ROUND Table Feat. Nino adalah salah satu band Jepang terdiri dari band pengiringnya Round Table..dengan vokalis Nino.. awal2 karirnya Round Table sempat mengeluarkan album2 tanpa didampingi Nino..sampai pada akhirnya mereka melakukan koloborasi (RT dan Nuno) yang akhirnya kolaborasi itu berujung perekrutan Nino sebagai vokalis tetap band Round Table...Salah satu single yang mungkin sering terdengar seperti Puzzle .. opening Anime Welcome To Ther N.H.K .. dan CHOBITS [ let me be with U ] sama ARIA [Lupa judulnya]...kalo bicara aliran mereka memadukan J-Pop Anime dengan unsur Synth dan House Acid.... eazzy litening dah.... ditambah vokalis dari Nino yang bening abiezzzz....Mereka sudah menelorkan 2 album (setahu gw yach.. correct me if i'm wrong) dengan judul [2003 - April] ama [2006 - Nino] .. tapi kayaknya ada lagi dech cuman itu album yang gw punya.... Intinya you should hear it for yourself... and let the Ear be the judge....Satu hal lagi...denger2.. mereka KAGAK PERNAH buat Video Clip buat mempromosikan lagunya.. GYAAAAAAAA.....ENJoY DAH!!!!! nich gw sekalian upload dari SIngle terbaru mereka di tahun 2008...ROUND TABLE featuring Nino - Koi wo Shiteru [2008.06.25][PLIZ Leave a coment if You Like Or when U Grab it]WalaikumsalamDOZO...........

Lisa Halim

Yup...merasa bangga juga nich jadi orang indonesia...(sama kyk nonton Badminton) .. artis Jepang kelahiran Indonesia....pendatang baru di blantika musik pop Jepang ini memiliki ayah asal Indonesia dan ibu Jepang.

LISA HALIM lahir tahun 1985, album pertamanya “Daddy” dirilis tahun 2007 dengan label indies Tower Record. Single pertama-nya “Air Rhythm” dirilis pada musim panas 2007 menyusul single ke-duanya berjudul “Flow with it/Pearl Drops” di akhir 2007. Lagu ini menjadi image song pada ‘Winter Sports Festa season7‘ dan ‘Tiger Sahara Cup’ pertandingan snow board ke-26 seluruh Jepang.

Lisa yang dikenal sebagai penyanyi sekaligus penulis lagu ‘separuh Indonesia-Jepang’ turut meramaikan ulang tahun emas persahabatan Indonesia-Jepang tahun 2008 ini. Lantunan suaranya dapat anda nikmati melalui program ‘Tokyo Beat’ di radio-radio seluruh Indonesia*.
Wah keren yach.. kita doain semoga bisa jadi musisi yang membanggakan nama indonesia di Jepang sana.... Kali aja bisa bawa Ayumi/Ayaka/Shimatani Hitomi sama Nami Tamaki ke Indo.....ke Glora Bung Karno hehehehe.....

Nich sites Myspacenya ::: http://www.myspace.com/lisahalim/
Nich sites officialnya ::: http://www.lisa-ch.net/
Information Sources ::: http://www.jpf.or.id/id/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=100&Itemid=29

Lagunya juga bisa di ENJOY di Music Page gw disini dari album
"setsunai kurai aishiteta" [ 切ないくらい、愛してた。] ::: http://wirawanworld.multiply.com/music/item/113/Lisa_Halim_-_Setsunai_Kurai_Aishiteta_2008_

Depapepe..yup nama yang aneh... tapi tidak aneh untuk dua orang punggawa bergitar dari jepang..Takuya Miura ama Yoshinari Takuoka,. (mereka bukan adek abang loh)

seara harfiah depapepe adalah ucapan kalo orang jepang menyebutkan kata akustik gitar ato
(デパペペ) ..kata informan gw di jepang loh he he..., (akhir2 ini dia mulai rajin nich..makanya sering upload he he he)

Gw tadinya denger lagu2 mereka nungguin mana vokalis nya.. tapi kagak ada.. yup that is what Depapepe sounds like.. an instrumental band... mungkin namanya bukan depape kalo make vokalis..hehehe...well let's we hope mereka still commit jangan pake vokalis2.. tapi kalo ringo-san gk papa hehehehehe.... Btw nich album pertama mereka di tahun 2005...mereka dah 3 album setahu gw...., knp gw taro album yang paling pertama bukan yang terakhir...well.. kata orang2 kan kesan pertama begitu menggoda ha ha ha....Paling enak kalo denger sambil baca buku/novel/mo tidur/pas bangun.....hehehe namanya instrumen pasti nenangin hati dan hopefully get us/we out from STREZZZZ...

Dozo !!!!!

[jangan lupa comment yach kalo emang suka]

line up;

* Takuya Miura (guitar)

* Yoshinari Takuoka (guitar)


Band dengan nuansa Rap, Pop, Punk, Tech, Alternative ini sebenarnya sudah lama menarik perhatian kuping gw..semenjak awal gw denger single "Chain"
gw langsung jatuh hati....untung pala gw kagak benjol....(mulai dech jayus hua hua hua)

Intinya their sounds quite unique and they have a style of their own....
Buat pengunjung setia site gw.. nich recomended banget buat kuping2
j- alternative lo2 pada...nich dengerin yang dari single paling anyar mereka yang dirilis [2008.05.21] kemaren..duch telat banget yech hehehehe...seperti kata pepatah..
better late than never...he he he.........ENJOY...

[jangan lupa comment yach kalo emang suka]

line up;


* KENJI03 (MC/vocals/guitarist)

* SHU (guitarist)

* GORI (bassist)

* ICCHAN (drummer)

Wach begitu gw denger langsung penasaran nich sama album kompilasi yang satu ini.. nich artis udah membuat hari2 gw makin endah nach trus bikin kejutan2 dech di dunia J Rock gw.. hu hu hu hua.... asli nich baru namanya MULTI TALENTED artst... THE MOST Multi Talented artist kali menurut ogut...

Ok dech tanpa basa basi.. siapa yang punya album yg ini ngacung hayooo.. minta doung di upload in.......

Buat yg belum denger Shiina Ringo..... this is the album you are looking for.... musiknya yang kaya sama sound2 yang unik dan khas yang artis2 lain di (J-POP/ROCK) blm tentu punya.. her sound is also unique.....


Nich playlist nya....

Tracklist (Disc 1)

  1. Suberidai (すべりだい; Launch Platform)
  2. Unconditional Love (アンコンディショナル・ラブ) (Cyndi Lauper cover)
  3. Remote Controller (リモートコントローラー)
  4. Memai (眩暈; Dizziness)
  5. Rinne Highlight (輪廻ハイライト; Rebirth Highlight) (Susanna Hoffs cover)
  6. Aozora (あおぞら; Blue Sky)
  7. Toki ga Bousou Suru (時が暴走する; Time Runs Wildly)
  8. Sigma (Σ)
  9. Tokyo no Hito (東京の女(ひと); Tokyo Woman) (The Peanuts cover)
  10. 17
  11. Kimi no Hitomi ni Koi Shiteru (君ノ瞳ニ恋シテル; I'm in Love with Your Eyes) (Frankie Valli cover)
Tracklist (Disc 2)
  1. Mellow (メロウ)
  2. Fukou Jiman (不幸自慢; Boasts of My Ill Fortune)
  3. So Cold (喪@ CエNコ瑠ヲュWァ#)
  4. Aisaika no Choushoku (愛妻家の朝食; My Devoted Husband's Breakfast)
  5. Sid to Hakuchuumu (シドと白昼夢; Daydreaming with Sid)
  6. Ishiki ~Sengo Saidaikyuu no Boufuuu Kennai Kashou~ (意識~戦後最大級ノ暴風雨圏内歌唱~; Senses ~Singing Within the Range of a Storm of the Greatest Intensity Since the War~)
  7. Meisai ~Sengo Saidaikyuu no Boufuuu Kennai Kashou~ (迷彩~戦後最大級ノ暴風雨圏内歌唱~; Camouflage ~Singing Within the Range of a Storm of the Greatest Intensity Since the War~)
  8. la salle de bain ([Fr]: Bathroom)
  9. Karisome Otome (HITOKUCHIZAKA ver.) (カリソメ乙女; Temporary Virgin) (Shiina Ringo x Saito Neko)
  10. Sakuran (ONKIO ver.) (錯乱; Disorder) (Shiina Ringo x Saito Neko)
  11. Ichijiku no Hana (映日紅の花; Fig Flower)

Tolong bagi senpai2 yang rajin2 donlot diluar sana mohon uluran tangannya ^_^

Snowkel (Band)

, yup....ini band salah satu favorit ga akhir2 ini..hmmm seru banget musik2 nya...
pertama gw kira ini model2 another band pop2 kayak Mr. Children dan kayak balada2 musiknya.

Hmm on a second thought (bnr gk yach tulisannya) ini completly beda dari yg gw perkirakan..
ternyata setelah lihat gambar dan vid klip nya ternyata mereka masih muda dan gak tua2 hehehehe...bukan berarti Mr. Children tua2 yach... mereka itu tua2 sesepuh J Music.. salut buat mereka yang tetep eksis....

Musik mereka lahir dari 3 orang muda mudi dari jepang..mereka adalah...Kaba, Nishi, dan Yama.
karena informan gw yg di jepang sana blom dapet info lengkap2nya jd gw kagak tahu siapa yang pegang apa dan alat nusik apa..., tapi above it all i simply love the sounds that they're generate...

And semua personilnya pake kacamata semua hehehehe.... Kebanyakan nonton Anime kali yach..hehehehe (emang gw.. o_o gha gha gha gha) <---- becandaan maksa.....

Musik mereka kalo di similarin kayak...hmm,,,

No Regret Life dengan distorsi yang halus...., /
mr. children dengan distorsi dan beat yang lebih upbeat.http://wirawanworld.multiply.com/
oNSoku Line.. yup hampir2 mirip mereka tapi tetep aja semirip mirip nya..
mereka (baca snowkel), snowkel itu punya trade mark ato ciri khas mereka sendiri....
Pop Alternative dech gampangnya...

Coba lo denger track: Pantomize dan Solar Wind....

Ntar dech kalo sempet gw upload di sites gw....

Duch kayaknya semua musik2 yang gw suka gk jauh2 dari anime2 dech..., mereka juga buat
ending dan opening untuk beberapa anime..they are....

* "Namikaze Satellite" as the seventh opening for Naruto
* "Solar Wind" as the second ending for Kiba
* "Kiseki" as the sixth ending for Gintama.

As usual.. a little bit by Profesor WIKI:

Snowkel is a Japanese rock band from Odaiba, Japan. The members of Snowkel are Kaba, Nishi, and Yama.

Immediately after forming in January 2004, their height of degree of completion of music is appraised and acquires a grand prix in the audition of local end in Fukuoka. After that Snowkel focused on live activity in Fukuoka. In December 2004 Snowkel had their first live gig in Fukuoka where they sold independent production board CD of themselves. 2005 , still focused on live activity, Snowkel produced a D board mini-album called "Sora Colorful" and released their debut single "Ooki Na Mizutamari" .

In 2006, the band earned a major record label deal with Sony Music Japan and released their first studio album called SNOWKEL SNORKEL in 26 April 2006. SNOWKEL SNORKEL contains their also released singles: "Tabibito Beginner", "Namikaze Satellite", and "Ooki Na Mizutamari".

In 3 October 2007 their second album, EQ, was released featuring songs from their singles: "Solar Wind", "Hello x Bye Bye", "Tenki Youho" and "Kiseki"; along with 8 new songs for a total of 12 songs.

Well thats all...gw mo rutin-iN nich buat review band2 favorit jepang gw.. moga2 tiap minggu dech..., so semua tahu band2 JP apa aja yaang asik buat lo2 pada dengerin.... itu kalo selera eike dan elo sama hehehehehe..


Karasuma Oji

Yup, salah satu karakter favorit gw di School Rumble....., wierdo / kalem /cool / talented / calm / semua bahkan semua kelebihan dari cowok dia punyain semua and ada di dia semua..dia pendiam tapi jago akan semua hal2 kereen banget dach ah.... Karasuma Oji

Dan pokoknya dia bisa smuanya...tapi sayang aja dia sangat tertutup....., dan di school rumble karakter dia kurang di explore lebih dalem menurut gw.... tp mungkin itu yang membuat karakter dia stand out dari karakter cowok2 lain nya.. ato sengaja kali yach dibuat rahasia biar pada penasaran....heheheheh.. you got me one Jin Kobayashi....

Dia itu kalo gw lihat2 mirip bangt sama (yg udah lihat video klip nya asian kung-fu generation) yg Loop & Loop ... yang jadi anak kecil yang masa kecilnya (kalo gk salah) gitarisnya...

Dan dia tipikal cowok jepang banget... black hair / pony / hehehehe dan kurus.... - menurut gw loch...

welll to know and learnt more abaout karakter ini ada kutipan yang gw ambil dari [http://www.wannabefansubs.info/harima/index.php/Karasuma_Ooji]



Pokerfaced and taciturn, Karasuma Ooji is one of School Rumble's biggest mysteries. Living in his own ‘special world’, the school weirdo Karasuma, seems oblivious to the rest of the world around him. Always silent, the only thing he ever seems to do is looking out the classroom window. His blank, expressionless face never gives away the slightest sign of emotions, just like his flat, robot –like voice.


Karasuma's parents are currently residing in America, where he was supposed to go only 2 days after class started; although he decides to stay after reading Tsukamoto Tenma’s anonymous plea (in the form of a long scroll), asking him to stay. He has plans to transfer there at the end of the current school year. Karasuma’s origins are a real mystery, and even though many believe him to be a Kappa in disguise, it has also been speculated that he is actually an alien.


Apart from being really good at confusing and freaking people out, Karasuma is really good at many other things. The first of them being bicycle racing, as shown in episode #1, where he outruns both Tsukamoto Tenma and Harima Kenji, and a train, and a racing car (an Initial D spoof), riding a single-gear bicycle.

Number 2 on his list of talents is being unbeatable at playing cards; as his expressionless poker-face is impossible to read.

The next amazing talent he possesses is drawing manga. Unsuspected by anyone, Karasuma Ooji is actually the legendary mangaka known as “Nijou”, whose work is the inspiration of many aspiring artists, including classmate and rival Harima Kenji.

Even though it seems as if Karasuma was also a good fighter, this is only speculation, as he’s never been shown fighting anyone. What is true is the fact that he possesses amazing physical abilities, as he easily avoids Harima Kenji’s staple move, The Hari-Ken Kick (hurricane kick), by jumping up in the air in an awesome back-flip in episode #10.

Other talents include being good at Kanji, and playing the guitar in his class’ band.


Despite appearances, Karasuma is not the shy and unapproachable guy he seems to be, and never hesitates to speak his mind on those rare occasions when he has something to say; this makes him the more puzzling and hard to read.

Always kind and considerate, he always seems to care for the well-being of others (namely Tsukamoto Tenma), and his usual thoughtfulness can only be disrupted by his love for curry, which is Karasuma’s favorite food and the true love of his life.

Even though he gives the impression of being an anti-social loner, he enjoys participating in every event of his class, be it as coach, referee, DJ, or playing with the band. Strangely enough, for some reason he never seems to take part in sports events as a competitor, and usually takes on a behind-the-scenes role, despite his little-known-of physical prowess.


Love Interests

Curry: Yes, curry. This happens to be Karasuma’s object of affection, more so than Tsukamoto Tenma, whom he is certainly fond of but still can’t seem to compare to the infinite beauty of a hot plate of curry.

Tsukamoto Tenma: Probably the only girl who could possibly have a crush on a guy like Karasuma, Tenma seems never to think there’s something wrong with him wearing a kappa costume when it rains, or coming to school in a skiing outfit (ski and all) in the middle of spring, neither does she find it strange that he likes to sleep in the sports supplies’ storeroom, or that he prefers curry over her. To Tenma, Karasuma is perfect and that’s that.

Karasuma in turn, does seem to appreciate Tenma’s affection, but doesn’t seem to really grasp the magnitude of her feelings for him, and not once has he tried to spend time with her by his own initiative, so his true feelings for her still remain a mystery.

Karasuma himself explains that it is hard for him to express his feelings, which is a possible reason why it seems like he does not return Tenma's feelings. However, he recently has begun to open up a bit, largely thanks to Tenma. She is currently the only person to seemingly affect Karasuma in a large way (he even asks her if she wants to walk home together!).

i got it from [http://www.wannabefansubs.info/harima/index.php/Karasuma_Ooji]

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